Wednesday 18 September 2019

अपने दिमाग की पॉवर कैसे बढ़ाये ?

Way to improve mind power

आपको ही नही बहुत से ऐसे लोग है जिनको लगता है की वे कुछ खास बाते भूल गये है जो अभी कुछ सेकेण्ड पहले याद थी | फिर वे अपने दिमाग पे जोर दे कर सोचने लगते है की वो आखिर कौन सी ऐसी बात थी जो याद नही आ रही है ? ये आजकल एक आम समस्या बन गयी है और इसका मुख्य कारण है कि आपका दिमाग कमजोर हो गया है | आज मई आपको लुच ऐसी बाते बताऊंगा जिसको आप फॉलो कर के अपने कमजोर दिमाग को सक्तिशाली बना सकते है |
१. नींद अच्छी लें –
कभी कभी आपको ऐसा लगता है कि जब आपकी नींद पूरी नहीं होती तब आपका दिमाग भी अछे से काम नहीं करता है। जिसके कारण आपकी सोचने की शक्ति कम हो जाती है उसके साथ थोडा बहुत चिड़चिड़ापन भी होने लगता है। इसलिए आपकोअच्छी और पूरी नींद लेनी चाहिए । सामान्यता हर व्यक्ति को  6 से 8 घंटे की नींद जरूर लेनी चाहिए , जिससे दिमाग तरोताज़ा रहता है और साथ ही साथ स्मरण शक्ति भी बढ़ती है।
२. Exercise करें
व्यायाम करने से न केवल आपकी बॉडी फिट रहती है, बल्कि इससे आपके दिमाग की भी exercise होती है. अगर आप प्रतिदिन व्यायाम नही करते है तो आपके brain में oxygen supply करने वाली arteries कमजोर हो जाती हैं. इन arteries में plaque जम जाता है, जो की oxygen को properly supply नहीं होने देता. इससे बचने के लिए प्रतिदिन व्यायाम जरुर करें और सुबह के समय सैर पर जरुर जाये !
३, खूब पानी पियें –
जैसा की हम सभी जानते है की पानी हमारे शरीर के लिए बहुत ही जरूरी है वही दूसरी ओर यह हमारे दिमाग के लिए भी बहुत लाभकारी है। जब भी हमारे शरीर में पानी की कमी होने लगती है तो हमारा दिमाग सुकुड़ने लगता है और हमारा सर भारी हो जाता है और आप अपने ध्यान को केन्द्रित नही कर पाते है । इसलिए आपका हमेशा उचित मात्रा में (५ लीटर प्रतिदिन ) पानी पीना आपकी  मेमोरी को बढ़ता है और शरीर को भी अच्छा रखता है।
४. जरुरी चीजो को लिख लिया करे
अगर आपके पास कोई जरुरी सुचना और उसको आप याद करना चाहते हैं तो उसे लिख लिया करिये , लिखने से हमे चीज़ों को memorize करने में आसानी होती है. लिखने से हमारी body में oxygenated blood flow होता है और इससे brain sharp होता है. इसके लिए आप पत्र लिखना शुरू कर सकते हैं, या एक blog भी start कर सकते हैं. इससे आपकी याद रखने की छमता में काफी सुधार आएगा !
५. मनपसंद गाना सुने
हालही में किये गये रिसर्च से ये पता चला है की गाना या कोइ स्लो म्यूजिक सुनना आपके दिमाग को रिलेक्स करने में काफी मदद करता है . अगर आप कोई गान सुनते हुए किसी चीज़ को याद करते हैं तो बाद में, उस music को mentally play करके अपनी उस memory को recall कर सकते हैं.
६. शक्कर (Sugar) का प्रयोग कम करें –
चीनी और चीनी से बने हुए आहार हमारे दिमाग के लिए बिलकुल भी ठीक नहीं। कैंडी, केक, मिठाई आदि में फ्रक्‍टोज पाया जाता है जिसके सेवन से न केवल शरीर का शेप बिगड़ता है साथ ही दिमाग भी कमजोर होता है। ज्‍यादा शुगर के सेवन से तार्किक क्षमता और नई बातों को सीखने की क्षमता पर असर होता है। इसलिए शुगर से बचें।
७. गेम खेले
Studies से पता चला है की ये दोनों चीज़ें regularly करने से आपका brain ज्यादा active रहता है. इसलिए रोज़ newspaper उठा कर उसके crossword puzzles, quizes को solve करें, और card games खेलें.
८. पोषण युक्त आहार लें –
ज्यादा से ज्यादा हेल्दी डाइट लें जैसे हरी सब्ज़ियां, दालें, अनाज, दूध, मौसमी फल आदि। दिमाग को तेज करने के लिए चॉकलेट भी काफी मददगार होती है।
९. सेब का सेवन करें
सेब आपको कई बिमारियों से बचाता है, सेब में पेक्टिन फाइबर होता है जो पाचन में प्रोटीन को बढ़ाता है, अगर आप अपनी याददाश्त तेज और बढ़ाना चाहते है तो रोज एक सेब का सेवन जरुर करें।
१०. बादाम का सेवन करें
बादाम मस्तिष्क और स्म्रति की शक्ति को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करने के लिए अति उत्क्रष्ट आयुर्वेदिक उपाय है और बादाम आखों के लिए भी फायदेमंद होता है याददाश्त बढ़ाने के लिए बादाम सबसे फायदेमंद है।
अब आपको याददाश्त कमजोर होने के कारण और बढ़ाने के तरीके और घरेलू उपायों के बारे में पता चल गया है, मुझे उम्मीद है आप इन्हें ध्यान में रखकर अपनी याददाश्त बढ़ा पाओगे।
साथ ही अगर आपको इस पोस्ट में याददाश्त तेज करने के उपाय अच्छे लगे या आपको इनके अलावा कोई और अच्छा उपाय पता है तो उसके बारे में कमेंट में बताएं।

Saturday 14 September 2019

Weight Loss Tips: Top Ways To Lose weight Naturally Without Any Heavy Workout

Most people fail in their attempt to lose weight because they are not aware of any Latest Weight Loss tips. Weight Loss must not be treated like a burden and is not for people who have no will to lose weight. It is only right for those people who find it interesting to keep themselves fit and strong. Some of the most helpful Latest Weight Loss Tips include:
  • Weight Training.
  • Calorie value and count.
  • High proteins and low-carb diet.
  • Change the type of exercises you do on an everyday basis.
  • Strict Bedtime hours.
  • All diets work as long as you stick to it regularly.
  • Cheat meals don’t necessarily have to wreck your diet.
  • Drink more water.
  • Cut down on sugar.

You can find below the best way to lose weight.
  • Have warm water with honey and lemon first thing in the morning.
  • Eat eggs, if vegetarians eat peanut butter sandwiches.
  • Have salads with healthy cheese and fruits for lunch.
  • If hungry before or after lunch, carry healthy snacks to munch on.
  • Have at least one cup of green tea in a day.
  • Avoid oily, fried, and other junk foods.
  • Do not munch on processed foods.
Although these points help you in losing weight but the only mantra that will help you in knowing the best way to lose weight is, “If you bite it, write it.”
Also, to get more updates on the Latest Weight Loss Tips, or the best way to lose weight or any other health tips, stay tuned with us…
We also provide details on the latest diet trends and healthy recipes for home that can help you in curbing your food cravings. So, don’t miss out on any updates and follow us for more relevant diet tricks and healthy Cheat Diets!

Insurance Blogs that Accept Guest Post and How to Apply

Insurance Blogs that Accept Guest Post and How to Apply: Are you AN insurance freelance author, AN freelance agent/broker otherwise you square measure running AN insurance agency and would love to urge featured in one in every of the best insurance blogs on the internet?

If yes, then you’ve got come back to the tip of your search as a result of during this article, we’ll not solely show you insurance blogs that settle for guest posts, however we’ll conjointly show you the guide however you’ll be able to apply.
Intro on Pitching AN Insurance journal for a Guest Post
Getting featured in AN insurance journal is usually thought of one in every of the toughest things to try and do due to the status with that insurance bloggers carry themselves.

Honestly, you don’t ought to blame them for this as a result of quite sensible range of them aren’t any tiny individuals. Not simply that, the quantity of energy it takes to create AN insurance journal rank on the primary page of Google isn’t a simple one. therefore once disbursal most energy to make such a high level of trust, they wouldn’t dare settle for anyhow reasonably guest post on their journal.

For you to pitch AN insurance journal and find them hear you, should|you want to|you need to} understand most concerning the subject you wish to put in writing concerning and your pitch must be terribly compelling. several insurance corporations square measure perpetually trying to find writers to assist them generate a lot of leads and grow their company.
How to pitch AN insurance journal isn’t totally different from what you’d have done usually if you’re to pitch a high-profiled business journal. However, it’s vital you state your topic clear, provides a compelling idea concerning your topic and show your social proof if you’ve got any.
Insurance Blogs that settle for Guest Writers
Whether {you square measure|you’re} running AN insurance journal otherwise you are simply a contract author building a career within the insurance niche, here square measure sites you’ll be able to reach resolute currently to possess your article revealed on their platform.
  1. motorcar Insure Savings could be a America primarily based insurance journal that settle for guest articles specializing in insurance, car repair, summary of vehicles and different insurance connected data.
There’s no special certification before you’ll be able to write for motorcar Insure Savings. All you would like to try and do is to be an honest author and in fact write one thing that may be relevant to their audience. you will need to examine their submission tips in order that your guest post on this motorcar insurance journal won’t be rejected. incorporates a domain authority rating of twenty one.
  • America Insurance Agents
    To become one in every of the contributive writers to U.S. Insurance Agents is incredibly simple if you’ll be able to come back up with a spam free article, prime quality content and a supporting image you’ve got the copyright to.
They have a special method they manage theirs, therein you want to have AN account created with them initial and your account verified before you’ll be able to contact them together with your guest post. to grasp a lot of details on however you’ll be able to guest post on America Insurance Agents, please search for details here.
USInsuranceAgents incorporates a domain authority rating of fifty two.
  • InsuranceSplash journal
    InsuranceSplash journal believes that their major audience square measure insurance agents. So, if you’ve got one thing you’ll be able to gift to the present set of individuals that may facilitate to extend the perception they need concerning you, plow ahead and reach them together with your guest post.
To know a lot of details on however you’ll be able to apply as a guest author on InsuranceSplash, follow their tips here. incorporates a domain authority rating of thirty eight.
  • recording machine Insurance Reviews
    Black Box Insurance Reviews provide people the chance to use their platform in airing their views regarding policies within the insurance trade. They even have a provision for corporations that may prefer to use their journal to announce new product unharness that may be of nice profit to their audience.
To become one in every of the guest authors, click on this link for tips. incorporates a domain authority rating of seventeen.
  • National on-line Insurance college
    In order to urge featured on National on-line Insurance college as a guest author, your content should be original, contain between five hundred to 1500 words, it should be freed from grammatical errors and due credit given to where your image was upraised from with their permission. scan details of their tips here. incorporates a domain authority rating of thirty.
  • D & O Diary is Kevin M. LaCroix’s journal. He’s AN professional person and govt vp of RT ProExec, a division of R-T Specialty, LLC. His company, RT ProExec is AN insurance go-between targeted on management liability problems.
To submit a guest post on, contact him here incorporates a domain authority rating of fifty three.
  • My prime Insurance Blogs
    It will be miscalculation if we tend to forget to inform our readers, insurance companies/agents and insurance writers that we tend to settle for guest posts and sponsored posts further.
We also are wanting forward to partnering with any good company to possess them implant their insurance calculator on our website.
We settle for all quality and original articles that square measure relevant to the insurance trade. If you think that you’ve got what it takes to put in writing for America, please, scan this guest post tips.
The list is endless however this can be all we tend to might realize at the instant however we’ll still update it. However, you’ll be able to continually facilitate America. If there’s any insurance journal that was mentioned here that you think that conjointly settle for guest post, please be at liberty to say that within the comments below. If attainable, tell America a number of things concerning them and the way to use.

Thank you.

How to Keep Your Boss Happy

In most jobs, you’re going to have to work under a boss. Although sometimes this can be a bit hasslesome, it’s important to keep your boss happy in order to succeed. The 2 best ways to do this are to take steps to improve your relationship with your boss and impress them whenever you can. Of course, if your boss is particularly hard to work with, there are also some things you can do to make working under them easier to manage.

Improving Your Relationship

  1. Adopt your boss’s professional goals as your own. Find out what is important to your boss and make it important to you. Shift your workplace demeanor and output so that your boss sees you as a relatable and dependable employee.For example, if your boss is highly motivated to beat their deadlines, then do your best to get everything in ahead of schedule.
    • Don’t sacrifice your own goals or priorities for the sake of your boss’s. Rather, incorporate as many of your boss’s goals into your own plans as best you can. For example, if there is a project that your boss is particularly passionate about, work on that project when you can, but don’t sacrifice your other priorities to do so.
    1. Spend time getting to know your boss to understand them better. Make a note of anything that you and your boss have in common so you can talk about it with them. In general conversation, find an opportunity to make your boss aware of your similar interests. This will not only help you to understand how they think, but will also make them like you more.
    • For example, if you and your boss both like the same sport, find out what team they root for and try to follow that team’s games. This way, you can talk to your boss about the team whenever the opportunity arises.
    • The best time to have this type of conversation is in the break room at lunch or during a period of downtime where neither of you are expected to be working at that moment. This makes having a non-work conversation more acceptable.
    • Note that you shouldn’t become too friendly with your boss. Remember to keep your relationship professional, even if you’re having a casual conversation.
    Be agreeable with your boss whenever possible. Try to agree with your boss, more often than not, without compromising your own values. Be willing to disagree with them when you need to, but take every opportunity to demonstrate to your boss that you’re “on their side.

    • This applies to working with other colleagues under your boss, as well. Show your boss and your coworkers that you’re a team player.
    • Be as supportive as you can in controversial situations, even if you really don't like your boss' behavior. This puts you in a position to be honest with your boss without seeming confrontational.
  • Do work that helps out your boss. Remember, your boss’s success is also your own success. Find out what project or task your boss tends to spend a lot of their time on and take steps to work on it in your spare time. This is especially helpful if this task is particularly stressful for your boss and they don’t have the time to finish it on their own
  • For example, if your workplace requires a lot of paperwork, especially from your boss, then fill out some of the paperwork that your boss normally does (as long as you’re allowed to do this).
  • You may have to ask your boss if you can give them a hand with their task. Don’t be afraid to do this! In fact, they may appreciate the simple fact that you offered to help.
  • Be consistent with your work and your mood. Your boss is probably under a lot of stress in their job, so they will appreciate any employee who is predictable and reliable. Don’t let stress or your boss being angry affect the quality of your work or your mood in the workplace.
  • For example, if you have a lot on your plate at the moment and your boss asks you if you can help them out with a project, don’t complain about having more work to do. Say “sure, I’d be happy to” and do your work as best you can.
  • At the same time, don’t overpromise or commit to doing additional work that you don’t have the time to do well. If you do this extra work poorly, it won’t make your boss happy at all.
  • Keeping Your Children Safe And Healthy

    The State of Florida provides resources to protect the health and well-being of children. From protecting children from identity theft to providing resources on healthy eating, our State is helping pave the way for a successful future for the next generation.

    Protect Your Child’s Identity
    Becoming a victim of identity theft is not just something that happens to adults; children are increasingly targeted as well. Children comprise the fastest-growing segment of identity theft victims. Each year, more than 50,000 children in Florida become victims of identity theft and more than $100 million is stolen using the fraudulently obtained identities of children. Identity thieves target young victims because children have clean credit records, making it easy for the criminal to create new accounts. Because parents often don’t check their child’s credit report, identity theft among children can go undetected for years.

    Keep Your Child’s Personal Information Safe
    Be cautious when providing your child’s Social Security number (SSN). When a school, youth sports team, or a medical office asks for your child’s Social Security number, question why they need it, what they will do with it and how they plan to keep it safe.
    Shred anything with your child’s personal information. Shred forms, documents and mail before disposal.
    Never carry your child’s Social Security card. To help reduce the risk for theft, leave your child’s card — and the cards of all the members of your family — in a secure place. Educate your child about  identity theft and the dangers of sharing personal data. Keep your child’s sensitive documents safe and teach them the importance of keeping their Social Security card and other personal information in a secure place.
    Contact credit reporting agencies to place a credit freeze on your child’s SSN. The fee to freeze a child’s credit report is $10. If the child has already been the victim of identity theft, the fee is waived.

    Keep Your Children Healthy
    Meeting children’s dietary needs is a key component in helping them achieve academic success, and I encourage students and parents to download the Nutrislice app from Google Play or  iTunes. The app, which was launched in Florida in 2013, provides detailed information by specific school on the food choices available, so families can plan their students’ meals and protect them from any food allergies they may have by helping guide their decisions in the cafeteria.

    Using  Nutrislice, students can also vote for their favorite foods and compete in educational activities about healthier eating. The State of Florida partnered with Nutrislice to develop this interactive menu and provide it to Florida school districts free of charge. A new function allows kids and parents to plan the entire meal and see the nutritional summary of each item on the menu.

    Let’s start the new year off safe and healthy!

    Here’s the good thing about keeping your relationship private

    Although your relationship should not be a secret, its most important details need to remain between only you and your partner.

    Having a support system is great, and having trusted people to confide in is just amazing, too; but no matter how small your circle is, or how much you trust them, some details of your relationship need to remain between you and just your partner.

    Here are three reasons why:

    1. It strengthens the bond in your relationship

    By hoarding the most private information and details of your marriage, you become obliged to [try to] work out differences without external assistance or influence.

    Doing this helps you understand each other better, and brings you closer.

    Being able to move away from the rough patches of your relationship on your own is great for your relationship because you are reaching decisions based on your personal understanding of your relationship, not from someone else’s perspective of what is right for you or not.

    This is the best way to be in a relationship, except when it becomes unreasonable to not seek assistance from trusted sources.

    2. Shuts out bad advice

    By keeping the essence of your relationship out of circulation, you actually leave no room for people to pass judgement and give unsolicited advice on how things should be between you and your partner.

    3. Pressure is reduced

    If you are keeping your relationship between just you and your partner, you are not getting external, irrelevant advice on where you and your partner should be, and what you should be doing as a couple.

    This reduces the pressure and you can both move the relationship at a pace that suits both partners.

    If details of your relationship is being kept on a really low key, you are in good company on the right path.

    Keeping Your Heart And Brain Healthy

    Do you know that there is a connection between homocysteine and your heart and brain health?
    Homocysteine is a type of amino acid (building block of protein) that is produced by the human body during protein metabolism. It is not obtained from the diet. The body makes homocysteine from the amino acid methionine in the diet via a multi-stage process. After that, the body uses folate (vitamin B9), vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 to recycle homocysteine back into methionine or convert it into another amino acid cysteine.
    At normal levels, homocysteine is neither dangerous nor unhealthy. But when homocysteine is not properly metabolized, it builds up inside the body and acts like a toxin. Elevated homocysteine levels cause inflammation to rise, damage the lining of the arteries, and increase the risk of blood clot formation, resulting in blockages.
    A clot inside the blood vessel is called a thrombus. A thrombus can travel in the bloodstream and get stuck in the lungs (a pulmonary embolism), in the brain (a stroke), or in the heart (a heart attack). People who have abnormally high levels of homocysteine are at an increased risk for coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels.
    Many studies have shown that raised levels of homocysteine is detrimental to the brain too. Elevated homocysteine damages DNA and induces cell death, which leads to brain atrophy or shrinkage in dementia. It increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other mental abnormalities such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
    What Causes High Homocysteine
    Most adults do not know that they have elevated homocysteine as there may not be any symptoms. A simple blood test can determine your status. However, doctors do not routinely order the test unless patients have a family history of heart disease. Hence, you may want to ask your doctor about it.
    • Optimal level is below 8 umo/L.
    • A reading above 10 umo/L is considered high and is associated with increased heart attack risk.
    • Above 15 umo/L, it is a medical condition called hyperhomocysteinemia. At these levels, the prevalence of dementia, along with cognitive and functional impairment is almost double.
    High homocysteine may be caused by a number of factors –
    Vitamin deficiencies
    To maintain normal levels of homocysteine, the body requires folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 obtained from the diet. Deficiencies in these vitamins may lead to increased levels.
    People born with the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene mutation produce less of the enzymes that are normally used for metabolizing homocysteine. This metabolic disorder is like an enzyme defect and is passed from parents to children. It is estimated that up to 30-50 percent of the population may carry a mutation in this MTHFR gene. The severity and type of symptoms vary from person to person depending on how much fewer enzymes a person produces as a result of the MTHFR mutation. The reduction may range from 10-30 percent to as much as 70-90 percent.
    Individuals with the MTHFR mutation are likely to have higher homocysteine levels, increased inflammation and risk of heart disease, diabetes, birth defects, difficult pregnancies, anxiety and depression, fatigue, and an impaired ability to detoxify.
    How to find out if you have the MTHFR mutation? These days, genetic testing can be easily done with a saliva test kit ordered from It is inexpensive and non-invasive. You collect the saliva sample at home and mail it back to the lab.
    Stress-induced neurotransmitters – epinephrine and norepinephrine – are metabolized in the liver via a process that also uses folate. As a result, chronic high stress may result in a depletion of this critical B vitamin that is key to maintaining normal levels of homocysteine.
    Too much animal protein
    High consumption of animal protein, especially unhealthy processed red meats like cold cuts, bacon, and canned meats from factory-farmed animals, may lead to high homocysteine levels.
    Excess caffeine
    Drinking too much coffee and energy drinks may deplete the body of vital B vitamins, which are essential for normal homocysteine metabolism.
    How To Keep Homocysteine Levels In Check
    Improve Your Diet
    High homocysteine not only increases inflammation, but also makes it harder for the body to detoxify the accumulated chemicals, heavy metals, and toxins. Therefore, by eating healthier foods, you can lessen the burden a bad diet imposes on your body.
    • Reduce intake of inflammatory foods such as sugar, deep-fried foods, processed meats, meats from factory-farmed animals, conventional dairy, vegetable oils, trans fats, and preservatives. Eat mostly organic, unprocessed foods.
    • Get plenty of antioxidants to combat the inflammation by having more vegetables of different colors or drinking vegetable juice daily.
    • Cut back on caffeine and alcohol. Too much caffeine increases homocysteine levels and alcohol is inflammatory.
    • Focus on healthy fats such as coconut oil and milk, olive oil, grass-fed butter and meats, wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, avocado, nuts and seeds.
    • Increase consumption of fermented foods as the supply of good bacteria can help reduce inflammation in the body. Examples include fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles, unsweetened yogurt and kefir, kombucha, and tempeh.
    Get Enough Folate
    Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is naturally found in foods such as beans, legumes, liver, spinach, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, and beets.
    Folate primarily helps the body make new cells, specifically by playing a role in copying and synthesizing DNA. It also helps the body utilize vitamin B12 and amino acids. If you do not have the habit of eating vegetables everyday, you may run the risk of a folate deficiency. Symptoms include –
    • elevated homocysteine levels
    • anemia
    • poor immune function
    • poor digestion
    • ulcers on the tongue
    • changes in hair or skin pigmentation
    • birth defects
    Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate found in lower quality supplements and “fortified foods” such as orange juice and refined grains.
    For those individuals with the MTHFR mutation, your bodies will not be able to convert folic acid into folate. If you have been taking folic acid supplements and your homocysteine levels are still high, this may be the reason. Therefore, you should either get more folate from the diet or take the active form of folate supplements instead. Look for 5-MTHF (5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate) on the label. Avoid products that say “folic acid”.
    Have Adequate Vitamin B6
    Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine. Best food sources are turkey breast, chicken breast, grass-fed beef, pinto beans, chickpeas, avocado, pistachio, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and amaranth grain.
    Vitamin B6 is needed to –
    • regulate homocysteine levels within the blood
    • maintain healthy blood vessels
    • manage blood pressure and cholesterol levels
    • support brain function and mood
    • help treat anemia
    • protect eye and skin health
    • prevent or reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
    For people living in the western world, it is rather rare to have a vitamin B6 deficiency as most people consume enough calories and are not experiencing malnourishment.
    Get Enough Vitamin B12
    Vitamin B12, also called cyanocobalamin, is found mostly in animal foods such as beef and chicken liver, seafood, and meats.
    • For this reason, vegans and plant-based eaters are more likely to develop a vitamin B12 deficiency. Unfortunately, algae foods, such as blue-green algae, which are popular among vegans are not a very absorbable source of vitamin B12.
    • Elderly people who have impaired digestion are also more susceptible for deficiency because they tend to produce less stomach acid that is needed to convert vitamin B12 properly.
    • Other high risk groups include smokers, alcoholics, those with anemia, and digestive disorders like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, gastritis, or other stomach and small intestinal disorders.
    Vitamin B12 benefits your mood, energy level, memory, heart, skin, hair, digestion, hormonal balance and more. Therefore, a deficiency can show up in many different symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, mood changes, poor memory, joint pain, muscle aches, heart problems like palpitations, or feeling run down.
    As a supplement, vitamin B12 can be taken in tablet form, in drops that you place under the tongue, or in oral spray form. Sometimes, seniors do better with drops and oral sprays as they have trouble absorbing the vitamin from the stomach.
    All B vitamins are water-soluble, that means the body has the ability to flush out any excess through the urine. Hence, B vitamins are considered safe and non-toxic.
    Maintain A High Omega-3 Status
    Studies have shown that homocysteine-lowering B vitamins require healthy omega-3 blood levels to derive the cognitive benefits. When omega-3 levels are low, the B vitamins have no effect.
    Therefore, to protect your brain from premature aging, make sure you have enough B vitamins and omega-3s. Eat several servings of mercury-free fish such as wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, and herrings every week, or take a high quality omega-3 supplement daily.
    Exercise Regularly

    Regular physical activity helps lower inflammation, manage stress levels, and improve sleep quality, immune function, hormonal balance, and body weight control. Find a type of activity you enjoy and stick with it. People who exercise into their old age tend to have better quality of life.


    Losing your phone has definitely got to be one of the most frustrating things to fall victim to. After all, it is basically your go-to gadget for almost everything and anything. Today’s ever so slimmer smartphones make the search process even more difficult. Although you can’t really help when your device slips into any nook and crevice, however, you can make the quest to find it less tedious by using the Panasonic Seekit App.
    Out of all the phone finder apps, this one surely makes certain your phone is within your proximity sooner rather than later. Here is how the app functions to make your phone finding missions easier.

    The way it assists in helping you find your phone

    Whether you are taking the help of the Seekit app or it’s gadgets, you need to know that all of it solely works on Bluetooth. It tracks your smartphone as well as other essential valuables such as your keys and wallet by alerting you about the same. You simply need to tag it to your possessions, connect it to your smartphone via Bluetooth and then find what you are looking for.
    As soon as your possession disconnects from the device, you get an alert. This assures you that even if your possession does get lost, you are notified about the development as soon as possible.

    The features that help in the search process

    The Seekit app brought to you by Panasonic makes it easy for you to answer questions which revolve around the topic of “how to locate my phone”. While the separation indicator ensures you do not leave anything behind, bi-directional tracking makes it seamless to help you track your lost or misplaced phone, whenever you want to. This feature works perfectly well even when your phone is on silent mode. This ensures that whenever your possession or smartphone gets disconnected from the device, you are notified with an alert. To ring your phone, all you need to do is double press the Seekit button.
    You can use the last seen location on the Seekit app to check where exactly the disconnected valuable was last witnessed. Proximity guidance is another feature that proves to be immensely useful. It helps you find your possession when it is near you but you can’t quite tell where.

    Try it out and see for yourself

    These features are accompanied by a simple interface so you know for a fact that the app is practical and helpful enough to be utilized regularly. You can also effortlessly play engaging and fun games brought to you by Gamezop, at your convenience using the Panasonic Seekit App and enjoy the multiple numbers of other value-added services.
    So what’s holding you back? Go ahead and take advantage of this phone finder app and all of its amazing features. Rest assured, this app is definitely here to help you find your smartphone in a seamless and effortless way, just the way you like it.


    Before we get into the details on methods used in securing the payment gateway through cyber security testing, let us talk about what a payment gateway is. If you run an online e-commerce platform, the chances are that you would allow your customers to pay via varied types of methods, and it may either be an offline method utilizing card or cash on delivery or online through credit cards, debit cards, net-banking and other financial platforms like UPI codes and so on The online method of payment includes a payment gateway which helps both the merchant and the buyer who makes the payment verify the total amount that is being gained or spent. It is essentially a kind of testing where the site can check whether the payment being made is legit or not as well as whether a genuine person is making the transaction or not.

    It is crucial to maintain the security of the payment gateway because it deals with very sensitive financial details of the customer. Therefore, to prevent any incident of loss of funds or security breach, thorough cyber testing of the site should be conducted to ensure the gateway is safe. There are many ways to do this, including functional testing, integration testing, and performance testing. However, the most essential testing of all when it comes to securing one’s payment gateway is with the help of cyber security testing.
    This kind of testing is meant to keep all your payment portals safe from cyber hacking and keeps your transactions secure and stop from being vulnerable to any third-party user who might want to access your material.
    Some of the most important things to look at while verifying your payment gateway through cyber security testing are:

    Is the gateway secure from being duplicated?

    This is something that is extremely important and must be kept in mind by the software developers who are responsible for developing the payment gateway. Hackers often mislead unsuspecting people from the original site and thereby the payment gateway by duplicating the site. The best way to avoid this is to make sure that your website is safe from being replicated.


    Our smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. In fact, we are so hooked to it that it becomes almost difficult to let go of it even for a second. Of course, clinging onto your phone also means living in the fear of losing the phone from your hands or it falling down unexpectedly from your grasp. This may lead to scratches, screen cracks, and even other major phone issues. To make sure you steer clear of this and keep your mobile, or any other smartphone, safe and damage-free, all you have to do is follow these simple tips.

    Invest in a good smartphone case

    Having a mobile phone with gorilla glass can be a blessing, it just can be a nuisance too. This is particularly true when your device conveniently fits into your pocket but just as easily falls out. Though it is easy to find a spot on your desk to keep your phone at the same time, you are also worried that it can be knocked off from the spot. To save your phone from damage and accidents, using a case really helps. You can find a case, depending on your need and preference.
    There are many cases you can pick from. Full cases protect the entire phone while bumper cases safeguard the sides from the areas that hit the worst. You can also find cases with built-in charging bank feature which ensures your device has extra power to utilize when the in-built battery of your smartphone runs out of it.

    Steer clear from extreme and adverse temperatures

    Too hot or cold temperatures can affect your smartphone in a huge way. It can hurt the battery as well as the internal components of the device. This can ultimately lead to data loss and reduced battery life. You may eventually need to go in for a phone replacement altogether. To tackle this problem, know that a little common sense goes a long way. If it is very cold outside, don’t leave your device in the car or even in the outer pocket of your coat. Put it instead in an inside pocket. This makes it easy by your body heat to keep it warm.
    If it is a particularly hot day, do not leave your device under the sun or in a parked car for a long time. If your smartphone comes under the contact of extreme hot or cold climate conditions, bring it inside and allow it to naturally reach room temperature.

    Take advantage of a screen protector

    We all know that the display of the phone is the most fragile part of a device. It is also the most expensive parts in a device. You need to be very careful about handling your device, as even a mere drop can lead the entire screen to crack in million pieces. The screen protector that is tempered glass, safeguards the screen from scratches and also ensures to add protection to your phone.
    In fact, the screen protector is the first thing you need to buy for your phone as it is much easier and more affordable to replace the screen protector than to fix the original screen of the device. Besides protection from falling and slipping, a screen protector also comes with an oil-resistant coating that minimizes smudges and fingerprints.

    See that you keep your smartphone dry

    Even though the smartphone manufacturers have introduced the concept of water-resistant smartphones, these phones are not entirely waterproof. However, they are strong enough to withstand a puddle or even rain. However, if your device is not waterproof, you need to do what is necessary to safeguard your phone from getting wet. See that your device is dry all the time by putting it inside your handbag or briefcase when you are walking in the rain and snow.  If you do not keep your phone dry often, you will eventually need to take it for repairs. If you are not sure whether you can keep your device dry, consider going in for a waterproof or water-resistant case.
    Also, make sure you do not keep your smartphone in the same pocket where you put coins or any other pointy objects. Do not keep your device in the back pocket of your tight jeans as there is a chance that you may sit on it and it can cause your device a bend or snap.
    So there you have it. You invest a lot in your smartphone, naturally, you need to understand how you can keep it safe and secure from damage. Staying true to these tips will ensure you to use your smartphone for a longer period.

    Peer-to-Peer Lending | All You Want To Know About Peer-to-Peer Lending

    Peer-to-peer lending helps connect lenders and borrowers for loans, eliminating the need to go to a financial institution. This kind of lending has become so popular that there are dedicated websites for the same. People are greatly adopting this method of lending as an alternative method of financing. P2P lending is also known as social lending or crowdlending.

    How does it work?

    With the help of P2P lending websites, borrowers can directly connect with investors. The site has all the relevant information about the terms and conditions and rates of the transactions. Different sites have different interest rates, which are determined based on the applicant’s creditworthiness.
    If you are an investor and want to participate in P2P lending, you have to open an account with the particular site and deposit a certain sum of money, which you want to disburse as a loan. Again, if you are a loan applicant, you have to post a financial profile that will be assigned to a risk category, determining the interest rate you will have to pay. Once your application is approved you can then review the various offers and accept the one which suits you the best. Many applicants break their finance and accept multiple offers. The money transfer and the monthly payments will be handled with the help of the website.
    There are some lenders and borrowers who look for websites which specialize in a diverse portfolio of businesses. For example, StreetShares is a platform meant for small businesses.

    The Evolution of P2P Lending

    Earlier, P2P lending was limited to only offering loans to people who have been denied credit access by conventional institutions. Recently, peer-to-peer lending sites have extended their service to target borrowers who might need money for a variety of reasons like home renovation loans or debt consolidation.
    For lenders, peer-to-peer lending is a great way to earn money in the form of interest. They earn cash at a rate that often exceeds those that are offered by the conventional certificates of deposit or savings accounts.

    What Investors and Consumers Should Keep In Mind

    • The investors, who are keen to join a peer-to-peer lending site as investors, should always think about the default rates.
    • Any investor or consumer should consider peer-to-peer lending websites only after they have checked the transaction fees. The sites may have late fees, bounced-payment fees or loan origination fees.
    • P2P lending has started resembling the subprime mortgage lending system, responsible for a very big financial crisis.

    Peer-to-Peer lending in India

    Peer-to-peer lending in India has already revolutionized the lending scenario in India. The platform has promised great returns in a very short period. The lenders and borrowers both receive mutual benefits, with healthy returns and without the presence of a middleman.
    Peer to peer lending started its journey from the Western markets but India soon gained momentum. The banking sector in India can provide credit to a very small section of the people, compared to the population size of India. Thus, P2P lending is quite helpful to meet the credit needs of many other organizations or individuals which make this digital service popular.


    Internet-enabled devices have made the world a small place where people can stay connected 24/7. Today’s kids are more attached to the virtual world than ever before. Excessive use of technology and easy connectivity can put your teens and tweens at risk. So why not protect them with kids safety app?
    If your children are exposed to devices at a very early age, you should not overlook online threats like cyberbullying and sexting. And, you must educate yourself well about technology use and its hazards. You can get involved in your kid’s internet world to check their virtual interactions with child monitoring app
    Let us take a glance on how to keep tabs on tyke’s cyber world. 

    What Is Parental Control App?

    Parental Controls are software specially designed to cater your needs to keep a close watch on the child’s digital activities. These apps allow you to filter content, keep control on device usage, and monitor the tasks performed by teens on the gadget.  Let us check the details on how you can control the excessive use of smartphones.

    8 Kids Safety Apps for Parents to Monitor Child’s Mobile Use:

    1.Bit Guardian Parental Control:
    If as a parent you want your child to remain secure from the perils of the virtual world, then this is the application for you. It is a parental control app for Android users where you can add an infinite number of children so to supervise them all at once.
    Distinguished features of Bit Guardian Parental Control keeps it at number one position. Don’t you believe it? Then, continue reading to catch more highlights.

    A few characteristics of this unique software:

    Panic and SOS Alert: What if your child gets stuck or trapped in dangerous situations like kidnapping? How will you reach them?
    Here, Panic and SOS Alert come in rescue. When your kid presses the SOS button, a siren will buzz, and you will get a notification on your cell phone. The app also shows the precise location so you can reach your child quickly.
    App Block: Is your child spending more time on social media sites or watching harmful content? Then you can activate the App Blocker tool to block the applications which are inappropriate for teens to view.
    Time Schedule: Don’t be afraid if your child spends excessive time on the screen.  You can easily control such a bad habit with this child monitoring app.
    You can set the curfew hours to allow the use of multiple applications with Time Schedule tool.
    1. Checky:
    When you seek an exclusive solution to beat the screen time use of children, Checky comes into the picture. It will give you a total of how many times your kid has checked their phone. You can compare the frequency of device usage from yesterday to today and share the result with your relatives and friends.
    1. Net Nanny:
    This kid tracker app is for restricting the harmful contents on the internet. Here, you have to create separate logins for each kid by selecting the category from Child, Pre- Teen, Teen, or Adult. It will automatically filter the contents based on the category you have chosen.
    With this software, you can permit web access by defining specific hours for each of your children. Hence, you can easily prevent internet usage during studies and bedtime.
    1. Bark:
    When you want to protect your kids from web threats like cyberbullying, you can use this application. This software keeps a check on the child’s online tasks to find any cases of cybercrime.
    It provides notification to both bullies and victims. It also gives actions to victims that are to be taken. Well, the general solution this app offers is –  to block the bully. Stay connected to know more.
    1. RespondASAP:
    If your child doesn’t respond to your frequent calls or texts, you can take the help of this application.
    RespondASAP freezes teens mobile screen and buzzes an alarm. Hence, this insists the child to call you back and requests you to unlock their device. This software can be a better option because the teen has to make the first call to you even before they wish to dial the emergency call or 911.
    1. Bouncie:
    If your concern is the child’s driving safety, Bouncie app comes handy. It will notify you when your teen gets distracted from driving patterns.
    When children exceed speed, apply hard brakes or move out of the predefined location, you will receive a notification for such acts. You can protect your kid by presetting the virtual boundaries and speed limit.
    1. YouTube Kids: 
    This kid safety app enables you to keep an eye on the kids watch history, block videos or specific channels, turn off searches, predefine timings, create a custom profile, and many more.
    Pop up ads and links (may be inappropriate) related to the videos your teens may watch can be blocked with this application.
    1. Dinner Time:
    If you find your children spending excessive hours on mobiles and neglecting the priorities like studies, family time and sleep, Dinner Time is the need of the hour. You can lock the Android device that distracts your kid from important tasks.

    This app works on 3 modes:

    Dinner Time: Stops the digital activity of children up to 2 hours
    Take A Break: Pauses teen’s online tasks up to 24 hours
    Bed Time: Ceases the web activities of kids for any given start and end time
    While you have reviewed the top 8 kids tracker app, which one will you choose? Well, you should pick the versatile child monitoring app that covers all the loopholes of the Digi-tech world. Pick the most recommended and exclusive software, Bit Guardian Parental Control.

    How to Pick the Right Social Media Management Tools ACCORDING TO NEED

    Over the years, there has been a stupendous growth in social media marketing. This upsurge has resulted in the explosion of many different useful productivity apps, tools, software, and assistants. All of these have different features and varying benefits making this growing array of tools both a blessing and a curse.
    • A blessing because it has provided you with so many options to choose from and
    • A curse because it has made hard for you to know which the right tool is for you.
    When it comes to a social media marketing or even social media management for that matter, you will need to know, select and use the right tools to achieve the best results and your goals. These tools will not only help you in managing your social accounts and posts but will also help you in optimizing your time and your social media marketing efforts with or without the help of a social media marketing expert or taking a cue from sites like or others.
    There are lots of such tools available on the internet for free as well as for a price. With so many available tools to choose from, you may naturally find it difficult to select the right ones according to your needs. Most importantly, you need to make sure that in choosing the one you do not miss on the benefits of another better option.

    The key factors to consider

    Therefore, there are a few key factors that you should keep in mind in order to make the right choice of tools according to your needs for social media management.

    Social media goals:

    This means you will first know the exact reasons for using social media for your business. social media is a good platform for personal use and to connect with a friend by sharing a joke or meme but if you are using it for your business purposes you will need to connect with your audience in a proper way and think more strategically. You will need to consider the results that you actually want to achieve by making a social media presence. The tools should ideally help you to advance further towards your goals. Some common goals for social media efforts could be:
    • Increasing brand awareness
    • Increasing lead acquisition
    • Increasing sales
    • Increasing community engagement and
    • Increasing website traffic.

    Your needs:

    Once you are specific with your business goals you will need to focus on your need for social media and social media management tools. Some common needs can be:
    • Obtaining relevant data to analyze social media performance
    • Promoting collaboration between the team members
    • Scaling social media efforts
    • Saving time on performing various social media tasks and
    • Relieving the stress and hassles of updating social media manually.

    Scheduling and engagement:

    When you have clear goals set in your mind and have a subsequent understanding of the need for the tools, it is time to refining your focus to select the suitable tools. For this, you will need a little bit of social media scheduling and engagement. This is because you cannot remain active on social media 24/7 as you will surely have other important things to do in your life ad your business. The choice of right tools will help you to set aside time to schedule the social media updates so that they go live just at the time, day or week chosen by you.
    However, there are several considerations to make to schedule and manage your social media such as:
    • Queue post: The tool must enable you to set a queue and the time to post your social media updates
    • Repeat post: The tool must also enable you to post an important piece of content on your website repeatedly to increase exposure and
    • Content curating: The tool must be able to help you in curating and post interesting content from other sources automatically in order to keep your profiles active and valuable for your followers.
    Also, look at the engagement features of a tool so that you can interact with your followers, share, like and comment right from its dashboard within it.

    User experience:

    It is important to ensure that social media management a tool that you choose is usable in the first place to be beneficial. That means it must be able to perform all the basic functions along with a few advanced functionality as well. If not, it can be really frustrating. If a tool can provide exceptional user experience, you will be able to carry out important tasks in a short amount of time. These tasks may include:
    • Scheduling and posting updates
    • Finding analytical data and reports and
    • Engaging with your followers.
    The best way to find whether or not social media the management tool is useful is to go through different online reviews and find out what the other users have to say about the specific tool you have chosen for your need.


    The tools should support most of the social media networks as your customers will not be active only on your chosen network. You will need to focus on different social media networks to get more leads and customers and hence the tool should not support one or two of the social networks you need. Otherwise, you will need to use different tools for different networks making your task tedious, cumbersome, and time taking.
    Though such tools may come at a higher price the benefits that you will gain will outweigh the price factor.


    While making your final choice of social media management tools, make sure you measure the ROI for your company in addition to these vital factors. This is because you should not only focus on the amount of time, money and energy on your social media management but will also need to pay close attention to the potential boost in your productivity that these tools can bring in.